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HF Touring Club Inc. - Australia's
Premier Social HF Radio and Touring Club Amateur Radio/technical data AC6V Ham Radio and DX Reference Guide - a comprehensive source of just about everything relating to amateur radio Collins Collectors Association - for aficionados of Collins equipment WA3KEY Virtual Collins Radio Museum - and much more of the above, along with many pix, specs and other data Collins Compendium on the Web - Ian McLean's site, with much good info on Collins gear Manual Man - commercial copies of operating and service manuals Rig Pix - heaps of pix of communications gear including scanners and some specs. - modifications for many radios - many reviews of amateur radio equipment and other information VK Classifieds - radio comunictions gear for sale and wanted - premier Australian site Peter Parker VK3YE's site - amateur radio site with information on the hobby and much more Internet Radio Linking Project pages Australian Ham Radio Discussion Forum - Australia & New Zealand Amateur Radio discussion forum Radio Scanning/Receivers MILSATCOM -- data on the U.S. military Fleet SATCOM series of satellites and others Australian Radio Scanning sites NSW Newcastle Area Frequency Guide South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia Western Australia Scanner Users Group Australia-wide Australian Communications Authority database