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My Collins gear: 51S-1 516F-2 75S-3B 312B4 32S-3 KWM-2A 312B-5 516F-2. Also in the pix is an AoR DDS-2A external VFO, and Shure 55 "Unidyne" & Astatic D104 mikes. Not shown is a 30L-1 and a few other bits & pieces..

A great little accessory is the AoR DDS-2A external VFO, which is styled to match the Collins S line and KWM-2A. In addition to high frequency stability and 10Hz resolution, it provides access to the "WARC" bands and general coverage not normally available on stock Collins gear without the addition of extra crystals. A review here.

One from the U.S. - a scan of an old Collins stock certificate. Fill in your name and put it on your shack wall.

Useful links:

Collins compendium on the web - Ian McLean's premier Australian site

Collins Radio Association

Collins Collectors Association

WA3KEY Virtual Collins Radio Museum

Surplus Sales of Nebraska